1. 5 mins Prayer – Read Romans 1:20-25 several times slowly. Stop and meditate and pray as you go.   

2. The key point of the sermon was ‘The Gospel orders the disordered loves of the human heart.’ What does this mean?  

3. Review the two trees image below and answer the following questions:

a) Share/journal how loving God has produced good fruit in your life?

b) Of the four meta-desires/loves of the heart (power, approval, comfort, control) which do you tend to draw from an idol rather than God? 

c) Name at least one specific idol or categories (i.e. sex, money, power) God is dealing with in your life? 

d) Approval from people especially our own children is a huge idol in our culture. Is this a temptation for you as a friend, parent or grandparent? What are the bad fruit of using children as an idol?

4. Bible Study: Read Ezekiel 20:1-29   

  • In your own words summerise this passage focusing on Israel’s unfaithfulness,  idols, sabbath.
  • Why is the heart mentioned in v16b so important to Israel’s relationship with God
  • Why is the Sabbath used by God as a measure of faithfulness?  

5. Video (6m): How do people change? (Paul Tripp) - CLICK HERE. Watch/rewatch this video about change. Can you see the link between idols of heart and spiritual growth? (IDEAL TO WATCH AND DISCUSS AS A LIFE GROUP)  

6. Deeper Reading: ‘Idols of the Heart’ (Tim Keller) – CLICK HERE. If you didn’t get to this last week then this reading is well worth your time to study it. It is a transformative article that will explain the competing affections in your heart. Why you love Jesus but why this love is often overshadowed by other desires, called idols that compete with Jesus for love and for your soul. 

Listen/Watch the Sermon
Watch the sermon this week relates to or go to the full series
Idols of the Heart The Gospel Series