IMMERSE Internship

The IMMERSE Internship provides a unique opportunity to withdraw from the rush of life and pursue spiritual depth. Over 16 weeks interns will be IMMERSED in four key areas of spiritual growth – Prayer, Scripture, Ministry and Reach.

  1. Prayer – Interns will spend extended time in Prayer expanding their intimacy with Jesus.

  2. Scripture – Interns will form a deeper understanding of the Gospel through diligent Bible study. Tertiary theological study is available.

  3. Ministry – Interns will develop their leadership skills INSIDE the church through various service and training opportunities.

  4. Reach – Interns will refine their ability to Reach people OUTSIDE the church along with the  opportunity to participate in an International Missions Trip.

Mentoring and training materials can be tailored for each intern.

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Who could apply?
Photo: Interns Steve, Blake & Cam - 2024
  1. Young Adults – You desire a “gap-year” type experience to build a strong godly foundation for a successful future. Immerse will deeply form your godly character and help you establish a life-long spiritual routine.

  2. Leaders – You desire to develop your leadership skills and influence at home, church, work and in the local community. Immerse will create space for you to find God in a new way and grow exponentially through tailored mentoring and training.

  3. Transitioners – Your life is in a season of change, trial or recovery and you need spiritual renewal. Immerse will help you deepen your realtionship with God and gain clarity of God’s will for the coming season.   

Next Intake: February 2025

Cost: $375

Middle East/North Africa Missions Trip: TBC

Weekly Commitment: 

Spiritual mentoring session - 1 hour

Immerse Life Group - Wednesday Nights

Discover Church Prayer Room - 6 Hours 

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