RELATIONSHIPS #1 - Caleb Nicholes
Right relationship with God fosters right relationships with others. While relationships are common, they are often complicated. This series will explore God's superior way for approaching our relationships.
Connect to Jesus this week by...
Pray and map your closest relationships. Use the handout to list your top 5 relationships in each relational category i.e. OG family, friends, church etc.
Discussion Questions
How would you describe the quality of human relationships in our culture today?
Ps Caleb’s main point was, ‘Right relationship with God fosters right relationships with others.’ Do you agree that that sin/selfishness toward God must be dealt with by Jesus before a human relationship can flourish? Why or why not?
Share about your closest relationships. Use the Handout to identify and share about your closest relationships from each relational category i.e. OG family, friends, church, etc.