Life-Changing Prayer #3 - Caleb Nicholes
To pray is to let go. This series explores three life-changing prayers that every Jesus-follower should know. Join us as we launch 2023 with 21 Days of Prayer together as a church family, every day we will stop and talk to God.
Sermon Application
Apply God's word through prayer and action
Prayer for the week:
God, I ask you to change my heart and form my inner life.Jesus, I want to follow you alone and not be shaped by anything of this world. Create in me a clean heart and renew a loyal spirit within me.
Discussion Questions
Answer with friends, family or as a Life Group in order to Grow Together.
1. In which ways are people’s inner lives unintentionally spiritually formed by the world (secular culture)?
2. Read aloud King David’s Formation Prayer in Psalm 51. What do you notice about his words
3. Share one way the ‘21 days of prayer and/or the ‘Life changing Prayers’ sermon series has impacted your prayer life.