Week 6: Sabbath Delight - Part 2
Our Weekly Spiritual Practice: 12-24 HOUR SABBATH
  1. Select a 12-24 hour period this week for your household Sabbath
  2. Begin and end the Sabbath with a ritual - this may be a meal, lighting a candle, reading a psalm, small mediation, or reflective discussion.
  3. Worship & pray together during your Sabbath. 
  4. Digital detox - during Sabbath go without all screens, social media, calls, texts, emails, etc.
  5. Rest and Delight - Do only what is life giving, meaningful, fun and renewing.
  6. Discuss with your household: How has Practicing Sabbath the last two weeks benefited us? What could distract us from establishing a Sabbath routine?
  7. Use the small Sabbath section in the ‘How to Unhurry’ workbook to guide you in establishing a permanent Sabbath in your weekly routine. CLICK HERE
Discussion Questions
  1. Share how last week’s 4 hour Sabbath went for your household? If you didn’t practice it then what are your initial thoughts on the spiritual practice of Sabbath?
  2. Review some of the Sabbath Biblical references (Gen 2:1-3, Ex 20:8-11, Mark 2:27-28, Heb 4:1-13). If God took one day for Worshipful-Rest why do people think they can go without true godly-rest? 
  3. How do the four Sabbath elements (Shabbat): Stop, Rest, Delight, Worship help us accept our limits?
  4. Share your plans for this week’s practice: 12-24 hour Sabbath with your household. 

Listen/Watch the Sermon

Watch the sermon this week relates to or go to the full series

Sabbath Delight (Part 2)
Spiritual Practices Series