
Daniel 1

Sermon Notes

Wise Up

Living in Babylon #1 - Caleb Nicholes

This series draws insights from the life of Daniel, a foreign exile in Babylon, to help us understand the challenges and needs of Jesus-followers living in secular Australia today. Please participate in the Daniel reading plan that complements the sermon series.  



1)  Read Dan 1:1-7 – Why does God allow Israel and Daniel to be taken into exile? Describe how life would  have been for the Israelites living away from Jerusalem, as captives in a foreign land?

2)  Read Dan 1:8-21 – Daniel choses to not defile himself with the food of Babylon. If we consider ourselves like Daniel, loyal to God but exiles and strangers in Australian secular culture. Then how should our lifestyles, habits, and priorities be different to others?

3)  We need wisdom while living in Babylon! Name an area of your life where you need godly wisdom to navigate this world?

4) Have you begun the Daniel Reading plan and how do you plan to participate?