Abraham trusts God’s unexpected plan to fulfil his ‘Chosen Son’ promise. God’s promises always have the last laugh! Despite this age of chronic scepticism and unbelief every person is welcomed to invest their faith in God’s faithfulness and their trust in God’s promises. This sermon series will explore 7 tests of faith drawn from the life of Abraham, the original believer.
Sermon Application
- Read - Genesis 17:15 - 18:15
- Pray & contemplate – In what ways is God currently Reconstructing (renewing & reviving) my faith?
Discussion Questions
- Share about a time God’s promise (prophecy, Bible verse, blessing etc.) was fulfilled in an unexpected way like Abraham.
- Why has Deconstruction (faith loss) rather than Reconstruction (faith renewal) become popular among Christians?
- How can your expectations of God or Church create unnecessary doubt in your Faith Journey?