
Genesis 22:1–19 (NLT)
The Obedience Test

The Obedience Test is the pinnacle of the faith journey where God instructs us to sacrifice what is most valuable. Despite this age of chronic scepticism and unbelief every person is welcomed to invest their faith in God’s faithfulness and their trust in God’s promises. This sermon series will explore 7 tests of faith drawn from the life of Abraham, the original believer.

Sermon Application:
a) Read Genesis 22:1-19
b) Pray and meditate: List things that God is asking me to sacrifice…

Discussion Questions
1. Why do people find it difficult to let things go and obey God?
2. Which of the three obedience tests (comfort, approval, power) is a challenge for you right now?
3. How does Jesus as the substitute sacrifice in our place affect your obedience to God?