Reach People #2 - Caleb Nicholes.
God reaches people through people. In this series we discuss the ultimate purpose of a faithful Christian, to REACH PEOPLE with the Good News about JESUS.
Sermon Application
Pray: every day this week for one unchurched friend (person-of-peace) to know Jesus.
Do: ask that friend for a coffee and seek to have a spiritual conversation.
Discussion Questions
1. Those who haven’t shared yet - Share your personal salvation story – How did you come to follow Jesus? Who played a key role in helping you become a Jesus-follower?
2. Read Luke 10:1-7 aloud to the group:
a) How does the passage highlight the reality that ‘Jesus reaches people through people’?
b) Does the lamb among wolves (v3) atmosphere bother you?
c) Who is a person-of-peace (v5-7), open to Jesus in your life right now?
3. Each person identify and pray for one friend that God wants you to reach out to with the Good News about Jesus.