Reach People #5 - Caleb Nicholes.
The pain points of Trial and Transition soften people to Jesus and Church. In this series we discuss the ultimate purpose of a faithful Christian, to REACH PEOPLE with the Good News about JESUS.
Sermon Application
Pray - For a person-in-pain close to you. Pray for the good news about Jesus to enter their life.
Do - Perform a Good Samaritan act to an unchurched friend this week. i.e. a gift, an encouragement, invite for coffee etc.
Discussion Questions
1. Hear the Salvation Stories of those who have not yet shared their testimony of coming to know Jesus.
2. Read Luke 10:29–37 together. In which ways did the Good Samaritan inconvenience himself for the beaten-up Jew in pain?
3. Who is the Unchurched person-in-pain close to you? Is the pain a result of trial or transition? How can you be their Good Samaritan?
4. Review Lynne Taylor’s conversion infograph – Does it support your experience of reaching people? Has trial and transition (catalyst) softened someone towards Jesus and church?