Reach People #4 - Andrew Cavanagh.
We can often struggle to work out how to share the gospel, we are not having to make it up as we go, we have examples in the bible that help us work out how we should approach it. There is a mandate there is a mindset and there is a method.
Sermon Application
In your prayer time ask God to show you how YOU need to change in order to win the ones he has put on your heart.
Discussion Questions
1. Review the following Scriptures:
a. Matthew 9:35 – 10:7
b. 1 Peter 3:14 – 17
c. 1 Corinthians 9:19 – 23
2. Do you think that Christians adopt an attitude of superiority (moral or otherwise) when sharing the good news? If yes, why do they do this?
3. What has been your biggest challenge in trying to adopt Paul’s approach of trying to find common ground with everyone, doing everything to save some?