Reach People #6 - Caleb Nicholes.
100 mini decisions precede the major decision to follow Jesus. In this series we discuss the ultimate purpose of a faithful Christian, to REACH PEOPLE with the Good News about JESUS.
Sermon Application
Do - List 3 friends/family who are “desperate” like the jailor…
Pray - spend 5 mins deeply interceding for each of the 3 people listed.
Discussion Questions
1. Hear the Salvation Stories of those who have not yet shared their testimony of coming to know Jesus.
2. Read Acts 16:20-34 together. What was the answer to the Jailer’s question about salvation? (v31) What does this answer mean exactly?
3. Who is the Unchurched person God is encouraging you to reach? How many of the ‘100 mini decisions that precede the major decision to follow Jesus’ do you think they have made?
4. If you missed it last week, review Lynne Taylor’s conversion infograph – Does it affirm your experience of reaching people?