Reach People #3 - Caleb Nicholes.
Jesus-followers have the privilege of sharing Good News in a Bad World. In this series we discuss the ultimate purpose of a faithful Christian, to REACH PEOPLE with the Good News about JESUS.
Sermon Application
Pray: For your one person-of-peace and/or add a second person.
Do: Write out your own Good News script (your words) in one paragraph.
Discussion Questions
1. Those who haven’t shared yet - Share your personal salvation story – How did you come to follow Jesus? Who played a key role in helping you become a Jesus-follower?
2. Reflect on the simple Gospel sharing script of ‘Good-Bad-Good News.’ Share your Gospel sharing script with the Group – How would you share the Gospel in 1 minute?
3. Discuss if you have a Life Group “Reach” champion and how best your group could best utilise this persons passion for evangelism?